Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fix Disabled Page Scrolling on Navigation Settings

I don’t know how many of you having issues with Master page branding, i got lot of them and one of them was Navigation (AreaNavigationSettings.aspx) page. When the page renders/load in the browser, it disables the scrollbar even though it has content more than the viewable area and other pages are just fine.

After struggling long time to find out the cause, i couldn’t find any. So, my next option is to search in Google and see any one has similar issue. Likely i found the article from SharePoint Blues which addressing about this issue.

They mentioned about the following workaround which won’t fix the disabled scroll bars instead it hides the #s4-workspace scrollbar (Which is OOB) and shows the browser scrollbar.

$(document).ready(function() {
        .css('overflow', 'visible')
        .css('overflow', 'hidden');


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