Tuesday, July 13, 2010

IE6 Tooltip for Select element workaround

In my project, we have a requirement to show huge list of data in a select element. Some of these data has long names to show but the restriction what we have is, Select element has to be in a fixed width to fit it in our UI. So to accomplish the requirement we have the following options

Option 1: Show Horizontal and vertical scroll bars so that user scrolls to see the full name.

Option 2: Show full name in a tooltip on mouse over.


Option 1 is not a good choice to me since it has scroll bars which spoils UI look and feel. Even though i tried this option and later i found that Select element won’t have any horizontal scroll bar by default in IE6 (Bug). Later i found that they have workaround to achieve this functionality.



I googled lot for option 2 and found couple of solutions, but it worked partially. so i made the couple of changes to fit my needs. Following is the code i used for IE6 tooltip.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title>IE6 Hack to enable tooltips on select elements</title>

function showIE6Tooltip(obj, e)
        if (!e)
            e = window.event;

        var eX = e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : e.layerX;
        var eY = e.offsetY ? e.offsetY : e.layerY;
        var maxOptionCount = obj.options.length;

        var listItemHeight = (obj.clientHeight / obj.size); 
        var itemsAtTheTop =  Math.floor(obj.scrollTop / listItemHeight);              
        var hoverOptionIndex =  Math.floor(eY / listItemHeight);     

        //the index of mouseover
        var toolTipIndex = Math.floor(hoverOptionIndex + itemsAtTheTop);
        if(hoverOptionIndex >= 0 && hoverOptionIndex < obj.size )
            var tooltip = document.getElementById('ie6SelectTooltip');       
            tooltip.innerHTML = obj.options[toolTipIndex].text;
            tooltip.style.display = 'block';
            var frm = document.getElementById('frm');
            frm.style.left = tooltip.style.left;
            frm.style.top = tooltip.style.top;
            frm.style.height = tooltip.offsetHeight;
            frm.style.width = tooltip.offsetWidth;
            frm.style.display = 'block';

    function hideIE6Tooltip(e)
        var tooltip = document.getElementById('ie6SelectTooltip');
        var iFrm = document.getElementById('frm');
        tooltip.innerHTML = '';
        tooltip.style.display = 'none';
        iFrm.style.display = 'none';

<div style="overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; height:200px; width:90px">
    <select id="test" title="Title on the select" onmousemove="showIE6Tooltip(this,event);" onmouseout="hideIE6Tooltip();" size="20" >
        <option value="1" title="This is the number 1 option, with a really long title based tooltip">1 Thing</option>
        <option value="2" title="This is the number 2 option, with a really long title based tooltip">2 Thing</option>
        <option value="3" title="This is the number 3 option, with a really long title based tooltip">3 Thing</option>
        <option value="4" title="This is the number 4 option, with a really long title based tooltip">4 Thing</option>
        <option value="5" title="This is the number 5 option, with a really long title based tooltip">5 Thing</option>
        <option value="6" title="This is the number 6 option, with a really long title based tooltip">6 Thing</option>
        <option value="7" title="This is the number 7 option, with a really long title based tooltip">7 Thing</option>
        <option value="8" title="This is the number 8 option, with a really long title based tooltip">8 Thing</option>
        <option value="9" title="This is the number 9 option, with a really long title based tooltip">9 Thing</option>
        <option value="10" title="This is the number 10 option, with a really long title based tooltip">10 Thing</option>
        <option value="11" title="This is the number 11 option, with a really long title based tooltip">11 Thing</option>
        <option value="12" title="This is the number 12 option, with a really long title based tooltip">12 Thing</option>
        <option value="13" title="This is the number 13 option, with a really long title based tooltip">13 Thing</option>
        <option value="14" title="This is the number 14 option, with a really long title based tooltip">14 Thing</option>
        <option value="15" title="This is the number 15 option, with a really long title based tooltip">15 Thing</option>
        <option value="16" title="This is the number 16 option, with a really long title based tooltip">16 Thing</option>
        <option value="17" title="This is the number 17 option, with a really long title based tooltip">17 Thing</option>
        <option value="18" title="This is the number 18 option, with a really long title based tooltip">18 Thing</option>
        <option value="19" title="This is the number 19 option, with a really long title based tooltip">19 Thing</option>
        <option value="20" title="This is the number 20 option, with a really long title based tooltip">20 Thing</option>
    <div id="ie6SelectTooltip" style="display: none; position: absolute; padding: 1px; border: 1px solid #333333;
        background-color: #fffedf; font-size: smaller; z-index: 999;">
    <iframe id="frm" style="display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 998"></iframe>


For me the above code worked vary well. I hope this code is useful for some one. If so, please leave some comments below.


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