Monday, October 17, 2011

Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'XXXX'. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel

I working on a project where I need to create a connected web parts in SharePoint. I created these web parts and wrap it in update panels. Also I am using the exception handling, so that if any error occurs in the code, I just clearing all the controls in the update panel and created a label control to show detailed error message. Everything works normally (update contents in each web part) if I do not get any error.

But if I get any error in the code, exception shows without any JavaScript error when page loads. Next I made some changes in the filters and hit submit button, now I am getting the JavaScript error as shown below.

Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'ctl00_m_g_bcc7da50_1d6b_4979_8186_4246cbd7ca34_udpItemListingWebPart'. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel


I couldn’t figure it out what was causing this error for couple of hours. I know there is some thing wrong with the update panel and I closely look into the error message. Since error message says “It is being updated dynamically” and I changed the UpdateMode to “Conditional”.


Now It’s working without any JavaScript error. :)